Struggling Through the COVID Crisis

MARCH being International Women’s Month, we focus on our Mercy Ministry serving women: Grace To Be Born.

Grace To Be Born maintains a shelter for unwed pregnant women in crisis, mainly to prevent them from resorting to abortion, and to keep them healthy and ready for giving birth to their baby. Afterwards, the mothers then already go home. Should a mother decides not to keep her baby, Grace takes care of the baby in an orphanage in the shelter. Then Grace arranges for the baby’s adoption. While waiting for the adoption, as the baby grows into a toddler, Grace also takes care of the toddler’s schooling.

Last week, we featured details on abortion and how Grace To Be Born saves unwed pregnant women from its ill effects.

Today, we continue our series with updates on how Grace To Be Born is surviving amid the Coronavirus Pandemic.

In an online interview with The Feast Family, Sis. Esther Palacio, Grace To Be Born executive director, said major activities in the Grace Home had to be put on hold to protect the mothers and the babies as well as Grace personnel from COVID infection.

Following Quarantine Protocols

Sis. Esther said Grace responsibly follows Quarantine protocols.

She added: “We put on hold face-to-face visits, meetings, consultation, counselling, parties. Even schooling of the toddlers are done via Zoom.”

Grace also has house parents to help take care of the beneficiaries. During this Quarantine period, however, Grace temporarily suspended day-off of the house parents so they will stay in the chelter.

“The admin and other staff also stay in the shelter. The staff wear mask and disposable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) all the time inside the shelter,” Sis. Esther added.

Everybody also undergoes swab testing.

For the beneficiaries, Grace also follows all steps to ensure they are well protected from COVID.

Part of the Ministry service is interviewing beneficiaries before they are accepted into the shelter. Today, interviews are done outside the office.

Sis. Esther said the beneficiaries’ beds are separated by plastic or bathroom curtains. Each one eats alone or at a distance from each other at the dining table.

Problems and Solutions

Grace To Be Born is not spared from setbacks.

First is resistance from the beneficiaries. Sis. Esther said, “The mothers do not understand the gravity of the situation outside the shelter. Some mothers open up about wanting to hurt themselves. So, we intensify counselling, explaining the situation to the mothers.”

Second, babies cannot get used to be confined in the orphanage.

“They cry every time they see strangers,” Sis. Esther said. “So, the staff spend more playtime with the babies.”

Third, a perennial problem is getting the mothers to the hospital during emergencies because Grace lacks transportation service.

“We continue to appeal for donations for our transportation needs,” she added.

Best Recourse: God’s Grace.

And, of course, Grace finds recourse in the very reason this Ministry was formed in the first place: God’s Grace to give babies a chance to be born.

Yes, we all fervently pray God’s grace will sustain this Mercy Ministry.

If you feel God is calling you to support Grace To Be Born, please check out this appeal on its the Facebook page:

Grace To Be Born is knocking on the hearts of generous people who can send to us support for our daily needs.

We’re having a hard time going outside because of the enhanced community quarantine and due to the sensitivity of pregnant mothers.

Right now, we have six pregnant mothers and 21 babies in the shelter. We pray you may help us.

To send in-kind donations, here’s the address: 2F 53 Dr. Sixto Antonio Avenue, Pasig City.

To send cash donations:

BDO Account Number : 003970059687

Account Name: Grace to be Born, Inc.

Thank you very much and may God reward your generosity!