If there’s a lady beside you, please tell her, “You’re beautiful.” Every week we’ve been inviting all the ladies to join our annual

Jewel’s Conference: Pure Joy.

It will be this Saturday, August 17– six days from now.

Sisters, I hope you already have your tickets. This will be a day for us– our Me time, our day of reflection and bonding with all our, of course, girlfriends, with our mothers, with our daughters, barkada.

So, please, please join us because as you know, we all need, especially us women, to have this intentional pause, so that we can refill our love tanks. We need this time for us. It’s not only our husbands who fill up our love tank, it’s most especially when we are with our friends, when we are with our girl friends when we are with people with whom we can express ourselves.

What I like about Jewels Conference is that we get to share with one another even if we don’t know each other. A lot of us there come for the first time and just want to listen and be reflective.

So, please join us. It will be face-to-face and also, there will be an online option for those who cannot join us on Saturday at the SMX Convention Center.

Please be with us and experience pure joy with God and with one another. Thank you so much.

Happy Birthday, Bro. Audee!


Let’s pray for Audee. It’s his birthday! Thank you, Bro. Audee, for leading us.

Thank you so much.

Father in Heaven, You are so good for giving this man to the church. And Thank You, Lord, that you have prepared him to do this work.

Thank You that he is such a great blessing not only to us but especially to his family. Thank You for blessing his family.

Father in Heaven, we claim for provision, for supply that whatever he needs to love You and love Your people, You already are doing it. You are opening the storeroom of Heaven and every gift that he needs is now available.

Full access– we’re claiming this: wisdom, strength, health, material blessings, encouragement during times of discouragement, all the friends that he needs, all the support that he needs. Thank You, Father. We’re claiming this for him and his family. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Thank you for trusting me to be your leader. Thank you for being part of my big spiritual family. It’s such an honor to be able to lead such a humble, selfless Community. Thank you to my family for surprising me today.

Thank you, Everybody. I hope that you are blessed today.

Next Sunday we will have a Grand Feast.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

This story was first published in the Feast Family Online News Magazine.

Published by THE FEAST MERCY MINSTRY (August 18, 2024)