Graduation Day: Dream-Come-True!

ON July 16, 2022, Pag-asa ng Pamilya celebrated the graduation of its 2021- 2022 scholars at Max’s Quezon Avenue, centering on the theme Pursuing Dreams and Fostering Resilience in the Face of Adversities.

A dream-come-true for the scholars, indeed, relentlessly rising above these difficult times, giving hope to their families. Above, the scholars, standing from left: Kerwin Raymundo, Sis. Marifi Lugtu, Carmela Arabit, Shaina Cequeña, Jolina Bedis, Joanne Apao, Sophia Orias, and Ericka Margaret Camua. With them, the members of the Pag-asa Board of Trustees, seated from left: Rowena Cequeña, Perly Flores, Pag-asa President Sam Uy, and his wife Marina Uy.

Pag-asa ng Pamilya is one of the Mercy Ministries began by Bro. Rey Ortega, longtime dedicated member of our Light of Jesus Family. Bro. Rey is now in heaven, but LOJ, through efforts of our founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez, and Bro. Hermie Morelos, head of our LOJ Mercy Ministries, continues our Pag-asa ministry, giving yes, hope, to our youth in need and their families.


BRO. BO SANCHEZ, online: God bless you! Praying for more blessings… Keep on loving God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength…

Follow His decisions in your life. May abundance overflow in your life! Thank you, Pag-asa Family!

BRO. HERMIE MORELOS, Head, Light of Jesus Family Mercy Ministries, online, all the way from Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.: Congratulations to all! Salamat sa Diyos at magkakasama tayo– spiritually… Let’s not waste this opportunity… Passion, dedication, humility— these are most important– whatever we achieve in life…

I prophecy that you, our scholars, will be successful in life.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

BRO. SAM UY, President, Pag-asa ng Pamilya Foundation:

This is the start of your accomplishments. Imagine, in these trying times, you finished college! Congratulations! Ang gagaling!

Graduating scholars, we salute you today. We feel so jubilant — a booster shot in the heart. You are the one inspiring us. This is the result of your efforts. Our wish: Someday ,when you are successful in your career, you will volunteer too…(as a Pag-asa supporter).

Here, I share with you the habits that have helped me build resilience in my life:

  1. List down your dreams and goals—and finish what you
  2. Be open-minded. I believe that everyone can be an expert in one’s chosen I’m like a sponge that absorbs whatever I learn. It’s also good to have good influencers in life.
  1. Enjoy relaxing, physical Praise God that up to now I’m healthy — and don’t need to take any maintenance medicine!
  1. Accept that we make In everything that I do, there’s always room to go up. I do my best because this is my offering to God. I do my best and God will do the rest.


Board of Trustees: It is indeed a pleasure to serve with you. Even we are facing difficulties, we continue to stand firm and support our scholars.

For the scholars: Help your fellowmen the best you can.

We don’t live only for ourselves.

In my family, we are nine children.

Sadly, two already passed away. So now, we’re only seven siblings.

We are a family of modest means. My father went house-to-house peddling goods. My mother sold fish.

I dreamed of getting my family out of poverty.

So, I studied hard. I am a middle child but I was the first to finish college, earning a Bachelor of Science degree, major in Accounting. And on fist take,

I passed the Board Exam to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Pursuing my career was hard at first. I worked in a government agency as a reliever staff, then I became a contractual employee. I prayed to God

that I would find a permanent job. And I found my ideal job at Shepherd’s Voice Publications... Working in Community is not a bed of roses but knowing Who you serve is the most important: our Lord Jesus.

Goodness stems from love. Love till it hurts. Let’s continue serving the Lord and His people.

SIS. PERLY FLORES, member, Board of Trustees, leading the opening prayer:

“Lord, thank You so much for touching the heart of our scholars and donors. Thank You for their precious time and efforts to continue our mission. Thank You that each one of us was able to come here…

SIS MARINA UY, wife of President Sam Uy and member, Board of Trustees: Resilience is manifesting stability even in times of difficulties. Filipinos are very resilient in spite of life’s challenges. We are here fighting in life. I believe tough times never last– but tough people do.”

I grew up in Tarlac… Just like Sis. Weng, we are not wealthy… but we are rich in the love of my parents. My father was demonstrative

of his love—he was malambing (clingy) to my mother. He worked as a security guard while my mother tended a sari-sari, variety, store.

As a family, though we were poor, we always ate together. Every night, we prayed the Rosary. Every Sunday, went to church.

I was only eight years old when I started doing business. My mother taught me how to invest in a business. She taught me how to make yema—egg yolk-based candy– and encouraged me to make bunches for sale. I saved 10 centavos from my school allowance—until I already had P2.00 for capital for my yema business.

When I already had P5.00, my mother taught me how to make sandwiches and use my money as capital for my sandwich business.

My father always believed in me. So, I believed all things are possible.

Sadly, on February 21, 1968, my father was murdered while on duty… It changed our life… But I didn’t stop dreaming.

When I was 18 years old, my mother succumbed to cancer. Looking back,

I don’t know how I survived– but I was sure God was constantly there with me in my journey.

Pressing on, I took the Board Exam to be a Certified Public Accountant and I passed it.

You’ll know how strong you are until being strong is your only option. Now, I’m a real estate investor. I buy and sell real estate properties…

Scholars, follow your heart, and I hope it’s in line with the will of God for you.


JING RANGASAJO, program host: Thank you all, very much. It’s a blessing that we are all here to witness a simple but very special event… For the scholars who could not join our live event, thank you for taking the time to be present through Zoom.

CARMELA ARABIT, scholar: The Pag-asa scholarship is a big help for me. My father is a fisherman while my mother stays home to take care of our family. My parents and I are deeply grateful to Pag-asa!

SOFIA ORIAS, scholar: Thank you very much for the Pag-asa scholarship– especially to Ma’am Rowena Cequeña who got me to be a scholar. My mother is our only breadwinner in our family. If I didn’t receive, the scholarship, it would have been very difficult for me to finish my studies.

MONETTE CAMUA, parent of scholar Erika Margaret Camua: I’m a widow and thus a single parent. Three years ago, my husband got sick and passed away.

I asked, “How can I help my child finish her studies?”

Thankfully, I learned about the Pag-asa ng Pamilya which helped me sustain my daughter’s education.

I am not a demonstrative mom, but I always tell my daughter, “I’m very proud of you.”


Members of the Board of Trustees with two graduating scholars Cum Laude, from left: Marina Uy, Sam Uy, scholars Jelly Cordoto and Jonelyn Beruela, Perly Flores, and Weng Cequeña.

Dedicated, hardworking servants, from left:

Jing Rangasajo, Gloria Cas, Hazel Rimpillo, and Gail Bayto.