FEAST SM Santa Rosa has generously supported the Light of Jesus Family Mercy Ministries.

  • Gifts of the Heart

Fund raising concert for the Noche Buena of 700 less fortunate families in Sta. Rosa, December 2024.

  • Prison Ministry

A weekly Feast Light with lady Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) at the Sta. Rosa City Jail.

  • Prison Ministry-

Men’s Dorm

conducted once a month.

  • Adopt a Family

Supporting less fortunate families by helping them buy their basic needs, giving allowances for the children’s studies, tuition fees, plus maintenance medicine,

  • KIDs FEAST for less fortunate children who cannot afford to go to The Feast on Sundays.

This is a Feast Light conducted twice a month.

Hello, 2025!

Feast SM Santa Rosa is good and ready to continue spreading God’s Word as Light to make disciples through big programs in 2025.

  • Weekly Feast Light

For male Persons Deprived of Liberty at the Sta. Rosa City Jail.

  • Fund Raising for Noche Buena packages for 1,000 less fortunate families in Santa
  • Expanded Adopt a Family: Continue the Adopt a Family and increase the number

of recipients.

This story was first published in the Feast Family Online News Magazine.

Published by THE FEAST MERCY MINSTRY (March 9, 2024)