Caring for Caregivers
Caring for Caregivers
ABANDONED by family and relatives, or for some other reasons losing connection with them –those who were supposed to love them and take care of them– our lolos and lolas find recourse in Anawim’s team of servants — the administrators, doctors, nurses, social workers, caregivers.
Particularly caregivers. Because when they are done with their assignments, the other servants go on to prepare for their next tasks.
The caregivers stay, serving in shifts, to make sure that the elderly have someone they can turn to for whatever their concerns at the moment.
Caregivers, however, also need to be taken care of. At Anawim, caregivers are either employees or volunteers. Some are married, others are single– both struggling through challenges for their own professional development and personal growth. Culturally, the singles, particularly, have obligations to provide for their respective families.
So, our Light of Jesus Family Mercy Ministry has developed a program specifically to relieve if not totally free our caregivers from their burdens.
Bro. Hermie Morelos, chairman of our Mercy Ministry, says: “Engaging with caregivers highlighted the profound emotional and psychological struggles they face.
Understanding their daily realities allowed me to appreciate the depth of their contributions as well as be concerned about the neglect of their own needs.”
Program for Caregivers
Bro. Hermie and his wife, Sis. Reng David Morelos, presented the program for caregivers during the Oceania Leaders Conference held in New South Wales, Australia, on October 25-27, 2024.
Bro. Hermie served as head coach-servant of the Oceania Region of the Light of Jesus Family from 2013 2019. So, the Conference also served as a reunion with his co-servants in the region because participants in the Conference were leaders in LOJ Feasts in countries in the region — Auckland, Perth, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and the Gold coast.
Together for Caregivers, from left: Randy Borromeo, Builder, LOJ Oceania Region; Kemp Vinson, Builder, Feast West Melbourne; Dr. Michelle Alignay, Head, Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Ministry, and Conference Guest Speaker; Reng Morelos; Hermie Morelos; Pio Catubay, Builder, Feast Melbourne City; Roqsee Villegas, wife of
Melvin Villegas; and Melvin Villegas, Builder, Feast Melbourne District.
Spearheaded by Bro. Randy Borromeo, LOJ Oceania Region Builder, the Conference centered on the theme Purposeful Leadership.
Bro. Hermie adds: “This gave me a chance to connect their theme to serving God through our Feast Mercy
Ministries. That the purpose of leadership is TO SERVE as Jesus had modeled:I came to serve and not to be served!”
Essential Tools for Caregivers
Discovering Your Purpose as a Leader stems from a concept paper by Bro. Hermie titled Beyond Caregiving, truly a significant guide for Anawim caregivers.
Here, he shares key points: