

I WAS born May 28, 1979, and I am now 44 years old.

Here, you see me relaxed amid the cool greenery of Anawim Home for Abandoned Elderly.>>>>>>>

Why? What makes me calm and joyful starts with my name, Mahalin– which comes from mahal, Tagalog for dear or loved. And yes, that’s me. I am loved…

First, by my parents Igleserio and Nelia, and my siblings Ruel, Aldin, and Nestor.

My parents, now in Heaven, gave me a fairly good life. A good education– first at the Guinayangan Elementary School, Guinayangan, Quezon, where

I graduated in March 1992; then high school at the Guinayangan Academy, also in Guinayangan, March 1996. I then took up a six-month Caregiving course through the Alternative Learning System (ALS) by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). I graduated in 2019 as a qualified caregiver.

Second, I am loved by my husband Edmon and our children Jhared, now 16 years old, and Jaden, 10 years old.

Third, but not least, I am well-loved by my Anawim family.

Before Anawim, I worked as a housemaid. Anawim changed my life very much for the better.

In 2019, I was blessed to do my on-the-job training in Anawim, my school’s requirement for me to qualify as a caregiver.

Here, I met Sis. Prisilla Nunez Tibor, retired nurse in Anawim, who kindly helped me during my training. So, eventually, I was accepted as a caregiver.

As a caregiver for Anawim, I take care of the lolas from morning through evening

I assist in administering medicines for them.

I accompany them to the hospital for their regular health check-up and, if they get sick, for their treatment or confinement.

I make sure that they go through their daily health care requirements: proper nutritious diet; exercise; and proper hygiene.

In addition, I monitor the proper use of supplies, equipment, furniture, and fixtures assigned to the lolas. I make sure their cottage is clean and in order. And I love helping them decorate their cottage.

I also take care of students coming to Anawim for their on-the-job training, particularly demonstration and supervision of the lessons.


I give my best to Anawim, a beautiful place with palm trees and resort-like cottages. And by God’s grace, Anawim has blessed me much more than I give. Receiving a good enough salary, I was able to buy a house, furniture, and appliances.

And not to mention the needs of my children.

The best of the best is spiritual nourishment through the Anawim Feast Light led every Wednesday by Feast Builder Bro. Hermie Morelos (left), also chairman of our LOJ Mercy Ministries.

Through The Feast teachings, I’ve understood and well-appreciated

God’s Word– so that now, I love Him so much and I’m very close to Him.

Especially when I worry or am anxious over some difficulties, I hold on to the promise in 2 Corinthians 4:18: So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

This story was first published in the Feast Family Online News Magazine.

Published by THE FEAST MERCY MINSTRY (June 9, 2024)